Welcome to Years 3/4

We are taught by Miss Pearce 

In year 3 and 4 you will find 26 energetic and vibrant children who are eager to learn and show an inquisitive nature. You will find a good team spirit in our class and we love a challenge. 

Year 3/4 is the first sample of KS2 life for our children. The children very quickly adapt to the increasing pace as they relish the increased responsibility. We look to continue to develop independent learners who are fully prepared to take on any challenges which come their way, both in and out of the classroom. Our day starts when the doors open at 8:40 am with a morning task revisiting some previous learning. We study maths and English every morning. 

The afternoons begin with either guided or individual reading. This time allows children time to explore a range of texts, enrich their new vocabulary and develop their comprehension skills. 

The afternoons are then filled with the wider curriculum subjects that we love to attack with vigour. We start these sessions by completing a retrieval quiz based on the key elements of previous learning. 

We tend to do PE on a Thursday, however, PE kit needs to be in school every day as we are sometimes forced to move a PE session due to poor weather conditions. We have experienced visiting sports coaches in school which is a lot of fun.

This term we will be studying


·       Britain’s Settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots; Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England

·       Geographical field work

·       Living things and their habitats (Biology)

·       Light 

Spellings and times tables are sent home weekly for homework and are tested every Thursday, with new spellings and times tables issued on the same day. We spend a lot of time and have a lot of fun learning and practising our times tables in school. 

Reading books need to be brought into school every day. On Monday’s, I check to see if your child has read with you three times over a week so please fill in the parent’s comments section of the Reading Record Book. Your child will be provided with reading books suitable for their reading level.